HEAL Pathways & Pricing
Find what works for you
perfect for those seeking guidance on where to begin
for those seeking a little extra support & guidance
perfect if you wish to consult on your progress over a longer period of time
if you are seeking steady & sustainable support over time, this plan is for you
One-time health consultation to jumpstart your journey
what to expect from Heal pathways
You can expect a root-cause approach to understanding your experience. Rather than treating symptoms individually, my goal is to help you connect the dots and see the big picture. Psychiatric illnesses are absolutely NOT “all in your head.” Anxiety, depression, cognitive difficulties, and the like are just different ways whole-system dysfunctions can manifest. They are the other side of the autoimmune disease coin. Scientific and medical advancements show systemic inflammation as underlying most, if not all, disease processes. My role is to explore possible contributors to chronic inflammation for you- starting at the root.
You can expect nurturing of your entire Being- mind, body, and spirit. Emotional trauma is often stored in the body and manifests as physical pain or other illness. Likewise, psychological, emotional, and behavioral dysregulation are often indicators of biological or metabolic dysregulation. I believe we are spiritual beings having an earthly (physical) experience. My goal is to help you return to your natural, spiritual, loving Self.
You can expect personalized recommendations based on your needs, preferences, constraints, and lifestyle. You will not be offered a one-size-fits-all approach. I will help you integrate interventions across multiple modalities including breathwork, balancing biological rhythms, nutrition, basic supplementation and herbal medicine, exercise and movement therapies, time in nature, spirituality, and social connectedness among others. I will meet you where you are and let you set the pace.
You can expect to feel heard and validated. You will not be judged for anything you do or don’t do. Your health is your decision.
You can expect to feel safe. Safety is the nervous system’s top priority. All other functions such as trust, self-esteem, social connectedness, and realization of one’s true potential are rendered virtually impossible unless our brains feel “safe enough, enough of the time.” I can help you learn how to establish internal and external safety for yourself so you can redirect your energy and efforts to being fully alive.